Wednesday, 4 July 2012

The Gallery - The Everyday

If I could give one bit of advice to anyone expecting a child it would be this...

If you are going to introduce something into the bedtime routine, whether it be reading a story, singing a song or putting their favourite toys to bed, I strongly suggest that you think very carefully about what it is because you will be doing it again and again and again 'everyday' for the next few years!

We made this mistake with LJ with her beloved animals. 
She has a pocket tidy in her bedroom and each pocket fits one animal in. So one day just before bed I showed her how to put them in and said 'Goodnight animals'. Little did I know that this one off game was going to become a regular occurrence, every night from then on in. 
The problem is people keep buying her new animals, so this little routine is getting longer and longer every night!  
I'm thinking that some of the animlas might just have to get 'lost'. I know mean Mummy.

This post was for The Gallery on the lovely Tara's blog at Sticky Fingers 


  1. How funny!

    Poor you, tucking in an entire Ark of creatures every night! ;)

  2. Aw - sweet and very true! I STILL know all the words to a book called 'Pyjamas' which my now ten-year-old daughter had to have read to her every night for about two years! (My younger preferred 'Goodnight Gorilla!')

    1. My son is like that, same story ever night. I don't even need to look at the book now x

  3. Oh that's so sweet! I know what you mean about 'losing' toys though... Isaacs singing phone mysteriously disappeared a while ago ;)

  4. I have a kissing routine with my youngest that takes AGES, and seems to get longer every day. I shouldn't complain, he'll be too old for kissing all too soon.

    1. rrr that's lovely. They do grow far too quick x

  5. That's a lovely routine. We often 'lose' toys in the local charity shops. Only for my son to say 'we have one like that' when we walk past the window!

  6. That was lovely. Little A is also set in her ways when it comes to her bedtime routine. I guess its important to them!

    1. I suppose if that's what it takes to get them to go to sleep then it's worth it x

  7. Awww how lovely! I bet it can be a chore though x

    1. Just a bit, especially when you've had 'one of those days' and you just want to get them in bed quick x


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