Wednesday 18 January 2012

'Making the decision to have a child is momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.' ~Elizabeth Stone


It’s hard at first, you’ve been so use to your old life.
It doesn’t matter how much people tell you (pre baby) that ‘your life is going to change’, ‘things will never be the same again’ & the classic ‘you’ll understand once you have them’.
The truth is you really will never understand until you have children.

You’ll find that after you have children you’re friends that are still childless will also not understand that things are different now. It can make holding onto old friendships hard but the oppoutunities to make new friends with children are everwhere.

The best way to deal with this monumental change in your life is acceptance.
Accept that your life is different now, not worse just different.
Your life now has a new meaning. Accept that you can’t do all the things you use to do
but that you now have new exciting things to discover.
Like what I hear you say… well there’s the first time your child smiles at you when you actually
feel your heart melt, there’s a whole new world of shopping to discover suddenly a whole world of new shops become available to you and lets not forget the baby parking at supermarkets – more space and less distance to the shop, got to be a plus.

If you can’t accept that your life has changed you will never allow yourself to fully open up and enjoy your children.
A lot of parents can end up unknowingly resenting their children because of their own inability to accept change and embrace this new life.
Once you have done this you have taken the first steps to becoming a great mother.

A Bad Day!

Some days I have the patience to listen to the incessant whining, to preform countless nappy changes and to hear the constant overuse of the word Mummy... today is not one of those days!