Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I have been tagged by the lovely Suzanne at 3 Children and It for the Versatile Blogger Award.

The idea is to tell readers 5 random facts about yourself, link back to the orginal blogger and then tag more bloggers to do the same.

So here goes...

 1) I still have my teddy that I had as a child. My Grandad lived in Florida and we flew out to see him. While we were there we went to Disney Land and he brought me Figment. He's a bit tatty and old now but I could never get rid of him

  2) For my 16th birthday I jumped out of an aeroplane at 12 thousand feet 

3) I once spent the night in a hut, with 8 other people, that was made out of pallets and had tarpaulin for a roof 

4) When I was a teenager I went to a fancy dress party as Piglet. I made the outfit from a childs costume and just cut it up to fit me

5) I once went to a music festival all on my own and without a tent. I was suppose to go with my bf at the time but we split up a week before. I didn't want to waste my ticket so I hitched a lift with someone that was going and had a fab time.

For this meme I'm going to tag...

Serenity You: Photo Challenge - Water

I'm joining in with Serenity You: Photo Challenge again this month and the theme this time is WATER. 
I have so many photos that would be suitable for this category but I've finally decided on this one...

It's yet another photo taken off of the back of the boat but I just love it. It looks scary but magical all at the same time.

So now it's your turn to join in, head over to Serenity You and give it a go. Only 2 days left to join in.

Monday 25 June 2012

Regaining Control

My blog feels neglected, poor blog! 
We were so busy last week that I literally had no time to think let alone write.
I know it's bad but I've felt nervous all week that I might be missing out on the goings on in the blog world. Whoever says blogging isn't addictive is lying, well I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to aren't there?

I've decided this week, what with my anxiety levels still rising, that I need to get organised, I need to have a system, I need a way of prioritising my time. So I have made a home central area...

This is my way of getting everything in one place. I am a self confessed lover of lists. I have lists everywhere and for everything. Lists for shopping, lists of things I need to do, lists of things I want to do, lists of things I want the OH to do. 

I feel that I have lost control of the house this week and everything is piling on top of me, hopefully this 'home central' idea is the answer. 

The trouble is now I've organised one aspect of the house I want to do the rest, look out linen cupboard here I come!

Friday 22 June 2012

Quote of the Week #3

It's Firday again everyone and we've had a very busy week in our household (hence the lack of posts this week) all back to normal next week.

For this weeks theme for 'Quote of the Week' I have chosen... HOME.

Image from Etsy found on Pinterest

I love this quote because it has all of the things in it that we try to teach in our home, (Try being the operative word), of course things don't always go to plan with kiddies though but we do our best.

So now it's your turn, what great quotes can you find for HOME. To check out how to join in click here. I look forward to seeing what you find x

Thursday 21 June 2012

The Gallery - Family

I have very little time this week so unfortunately my blog is taking a bit of a break but I'll try and put some pictures up. Everything will be back to normal next week I promise.

So this weeks theme for the Gallery over at Tara's blog Sticky Fingers is... FAMILY.

I have chosen a picture of my Grandmother, (my father's mother). 
She died when I was 5 so I never really got to know here properly but I do have lots of gorgeous photos of her and this is one of them...