Tuesday 3 July 2012

LOL Review

 I should have written this post ages ago but I just haven't had the time. 
As you may have read in a previous post, I recently went up to London. You can read about that scary experience here.
The reason I went to London was for the a new drink from Heinz called LOL.
The people from LOL were at the Rainforest Cafe along with a nutritionist to answer any questions about their new drink. 

'Bring home the laughs this summer with the great new drink LOL. A lightly carbonated fruit juice drink, LOL is a fizzy treat set to liven up your kids mouths in a cool new way.

Blending together 75% fruit juice and 25% carbonated water, every can of LOL contains one of their important five a day. LOL is available in three fabulously juicy flavours meaning it's a refreshing drink the whole family can enjoy.

Specifically designed to make drinking fruit juice more fun, LOL is a brand new way to keep your kids refreshed this summer and all at a pocket money friendly price of 99p.

Unlike most canned drinks, LOL contains NO added sugar, NO artificial sweeteners, NO preservatives, NO artificial colours and NO caffeine!'

Before I went to London they sent us some of the drinks to sample and I must say that they were a huge hit in our family. Even the OH who is very critical of food and drink liked them but the firm favourite was the Apple & Raspberry one.

I would definitely recommend these drinks for special occassions such as sleep overs, parties, bbq's etc because they not only taste nice but they're also much better for kids than some of the other carbonated drinks out there.
We don't generally drink fizzy drinks in our house as a rule but for these I would make an exception. 

I'd just like to see them in pubs now, they'd make a great drink for the poor person that has been voted as designated driver for the night.

If you'd like to find out more about the LOL drinks then look here on facebook or go to www.heinz.co.uk

*I haven't been paid to write this and all opinions are my own.*

Monday 2 July 2012

Beautiful Blogger Award

We've had so many visitors to our house in the last couple of weeks, that I'm struggling to find the time for my blog. However I am slowly getting around to the meme's that I've been tagged in.

Todays meme is The Beautiful Blogger Award. I was tagged for this by the lovely Pippa, that I had the pleasure of meeting in person last month. Her blog is called A Mothers Ramblings and is a great read, so check it out.

The rules for this meme are as follows...

1. Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog
2. Tell seven facts about yourself
3. Nominate seven people for the award and let them know why 

So here goes with my 7 facts about me...

1) I have a Diploma in Indian Head Massage.

2) I'm a bit of a hippy at heart and have learnt how to build houses out of straw bales and clay.

3) I was in Mr Bean when I was a child. You know the one at the swimming pool and the little blonde girl fishes his trunks out of the pool. Yes that was me lol.

4) I use to live in a cabin at the bottom of my parents garden and I loved it.

5) I regularly use my Tarot cards to help me make desicions about my life.

6) I use to play Basketball for South East England.

7) I have moved house more times than my age.

I am going to tag these 7 people in this meme

I look forward to reading your 7 facts about you x

Friday 29 June 2012

Quote of the Week #4

Happy Friday everyone, I hope you've all had a good week. Time seems to have flown by and the weekend is upon us again.
It's time again for...

For this weeks quote of the week I have chosen the theme Intelligence.

Image found on Pinterest, Author Albert Einstein
I believe that there is no easy way to measure intelligence, for one there are many different types of intelligence. One person could be really good with numbers and formulas but can't do a simple thing like boil an egg, another person may be emotionally intelligent, making them really good with people but they can't do their times tables. So which one is the most intelligent?

A man called Howard Gardner believes that there are infact 9 different types of intelligence.

1) Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)

2) Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”)

3) Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)

4) Existential Intelligence

5)  Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)

6)  Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)

7)  Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)

8)  Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)

9)  Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)

 So which one are you? I'd say that I'm 5 and maybe number 7. 

If we relate this to our children I suppose it's just a case of being aware that eveyone is different and everyone excels at different things. I suppose our job, as parents, is helping them to find the things they are good at and encouraging them to do them.

If you like to join in with 'Quote of the Week' then just add your post to the Linky below. (Still don't quite get it then click here)


Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Gallery - Hands

This weeks theme for the Gallery over at Tara's blog Sticky Fingers is 'Hands'.

I knew straight away which picture I wanted to use for this . I have used this picture previously on my blog so apologies if you have already seen it, I just think it's funny.

This is Bob and he spends his life in the chubby, slighty sticky, hands of my 1 year old. She wouldn't even let him go for me to take his picture. You can find out more about Bob's story and how he came into our lives here (if you're interested that is).

To see more entries to this weeks Gallery go to Sticky Fingers

Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I have been tagged by the lovely Suzanne at 3 Children and It for the Versatile Blogger Award.

The idea is to tell readers 5 random facts about yourself, link back to the orginal blogger and then tag more bloggers to do the same.

So here goes...

 1) I still have my teddy that I had as a child. My Grandad lived in Florida and we flew out to see him. While we were there we went to Disney Land and he brought me Figment. He's a bit tatty and old now but I could never get rid of him

  2) For my 16th birthday I jumped out of an aeroplane at 12 thousand feet 

3) I once spent the night in a hut, with 8 other people, that was made out of pallets and had tarpaulin for a roof 

4) When I was a teenager I went to a fancy dress party as Piglet. I made the outfit from a childs costume and just cut it up to fit me

5) I once went to a music festival all on my own and without a tent. I was suppose to go with my bf at the time but we split up a week before. I didn't want to waste my ticket so I hitched a lift with someone that was going and had a fab time.

For this meme I'm going to tag...

Serenity You: Photo Challenge - Water

I'm joining in with Serenity You: Photo Challenge again this month and the theme this time is WATER. 
I have so many photos that would be suitable for this category but I've finally decided on this one...

It's yet another photo taken off of the back of the boat but I just love it. It looks scary but magical all at the same time.

So now it's your turn to join in, head over to Serenity You and give it a go. Only 2 days left to join in.