Tuesday 27 March 2012

Pinterest Party - Heaven

This is my first week with joining in with this so I hope I've got it right.
The theme for this weeks 'Pinterest Party' is 'Heaven'.
This is the pic I have chosen...

Photo originally by Vogue
Re-pinned on Pinterest from If The Lamp Shade Fits

I have chosen this picture because this would be my idea of heaven. I could just imagine sitting out there with a nice glass of white wine, some olives and cured meat and all of your family around you. Lovely.

To check out other peoples entries for this week go over to Moors Mummy blog, you could even join in too.


Friday 23 March 2012

No Time

I haven't got time to do a proper post today so I thought I'd share two pics with you instead.

The first is my new toy that the other half brought back for me yesterday. It's gorgeous!
The second is H's Easter bonnet that I made for him for his Easter social today...

Hope you all have a good weekend x

Thursday 22 March 2012

Too much choice

Yesterday the other half and I were taliking about today's society and the world we live in today and how it all seems to be going so wrong.
Life these days seems to be all about what you can get and how much of it. "Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today."
- Mark Twain
People seem to do anything to get to where they want to be,
regardless of who they crush along the way.
I feel that we live in a 'You can have it all and why shouldn't you society'.

October 4th Tube Strike -- Crowded Bus Stand

Photo by Colin Grey

I have decided that it's because we all have to many options these days.
We can choice to live where we were born or we can choice to live abroad.
We can choice to work for a living or get benefits.
We can choice to have children or to have a career.
We can choice to go to university or go straight into work.
We can be hetrosexual, homosexual, bisexual, monosexual, asexual, pansexual, polysexual, pomosexual and transexual. (Yes these are all real I haven't made them up.)
We can choice from the vast list of careers available today.
Before you were either a nurse, a doctor, a dentist, a nanny, a cook or a cleaner. These days there are job titles such as a computer hardware engineer, database administrator, environmental scientist, recreational therapist and urban planner.
There are now so many options for children to take at school it's mind boggling. When I was at school it was just your basic subjects, English, Maths, Science, Language, History & Geography etc. Nowadays the students can do subjects such as Chinese, Systems and Control Technology, Engineering & Manufacturing, Human Physiology and Health, Applied Business and Archaeology.
Now I'm not being spiteful because we didn't get these kind of options when I was at school but I'm yet to meet a 15 year old that knows what they want to do for the rest of their life, (my Dad still doesn't know and he's in his 50's). So surley giving them all these options is just going to confuse them even more. What's wrong with learning the basics and going on from there?

old school

Photo by alamosbasement

We can choice what kind of mother we want to be... the pefectionist mother, the networking mother, the working mother, the stay at home mother, the mothers instinct mother, the by the book mother, the scatter brain mother, the me first mother or the complete mother.
We can choice our parenting style, authorative parenting, indulgent parenting, neglectful parenting, authoritarian parenting, child lead parenting and alternative parenting.
We can choice to be a vegetarian, a fruitatarian, meatatarian or a vegan.
We can choice to be a Christian, a Buddist, a Hindu, a Jew, a Pagan or a Jedi.
We can chose our personal image.. vintage, classic, grundge, rock, preppy, sporty, sophisticated, nautical, boho and futuristic.
I think these days we can spend so much time worrying about which choices to take in our life that life itself is actually passing us by.
I'm not saying that any of the choices I've listed above are right or wrong, I'm just saying that there's a hell of a lot of them.

In a world where women can be men, men can be woman, children can be in charge and technology rules the world no wonder we are all confused!

Globe showing Asia - Satellite image - PlanetObserver

Photo by planetobserver

Wednesday 21 March 2012

The Gallery - Colour

This weeks theme for the Gallery is colour.
I really struggled with this one and thought I'd skip this week and then I found this photo...
This photo was taken on Torquay seafront at the end of last summer, just after we moved to the West Country.
We had only just brought our new camera and we were still getting used to using it.
I really love the colours in this picture and the beautiful flowers, looking forward to the summer again now.

To view other entries to this weeks Gallery go to Tara's blog at Sticky Fingers

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Mothers deserve more than one day

I've been tagged by Farfromhomemama, over at Three Years One Stone then Home in this lovely mother’s day meme that was originally started by Loretta at More Than a Mum.

I've only just found time to sit down and answer the questions, so here goes...

Describe motherhood in 3 words
Busy, Hardwork & Heartwarming

Does your experience differ from your mother’s and how?
Completely, my mother had me when she was 25 and didn't have my sister till she was 30. So I was already at school when my sister was born, whereas I have two at home at the same time. Not sure which one is the best way to do it but I know it's hard work with both of them at home.

What is the hardest thing about being a mum?
The fact that you are on call 24hrs a day, having no time to yourself, the lack of sleep and early mornings.

What’s the best thing about being a mum?
Teaching them new things, having the biggest cuddles, watching them laugh out loud at the silliest things, seeing them develop their own little personalities and comforting them when they are sad.

LinkHow has it changed you?
I've calmed down a lot since having kids, I use to be a bit wild ;-)

What do you hope for your children?
That they have long and happy lives.

What do you fear for them?
Having to live in this fast paced modern world and possible seeing the end of it.

What makes it all worthwhile?
The first time they say Mummy, the first time they say 'I love you' and seeing their big smiles when you walk through the door.

I’m passing this on to five others, can't wait to see what they put.

A Twenty Something Mum

365 Pearls of Wisdom

From Slummy to Yummy Mummy

Moors Mummy

It's Misty...Seriously

Friday 16 March 2012

Follow a Newbie Friday

This week I've come across two new blogs that I've enjoyed reading.

The first is Psychology mum
This is a great blog that combines parenting and psychology. I've already used some of her techniques with my son and they seem to be working for him, so far (touch wood). Definatley worth a read.

The second is Misty
A young mum who writes about her life all coming together, including moving home and settling in. A self confessed chataholic.

I hope you have time to check out these two great blogs.
To check out other peoples choices for this week go to From Slummy to Yummy Mummy
Hope you all have a good weekend. x


Thursday 15 March 2012

Helpful Monkeys

I have been sitting here for a while now thinking about what to write and for once I can't think of anything, so instead I thought I'd share with you a picture I took today, showing how 'helpful' my two little monkeys have been with the packing.