Tuesday 22 May 2012

A Thank You Post

When I first started blogging I had absoultely no idea what I was doing and it's only now that I'm just starting to feel that I'm really getting the hang of it all.
My blog is starting to look how I want it to, I've got some lovely followers and people have started commenting on my blog. It all seems to be heading in the right direction.

I never knew what a great community Mummy blogging was. Everyone seems so nice and plenty of people have offered me help when I've been seconds away from throwing my computer out the window! (I'm not great with technology).

I wouldn't have got to this point without you, the lovely people that read this. I just wanted to take the time to thank a few people that have helped me along the way. You are truly lovely people.

Tara at Sticky Fingers

Erica at Little Mummy  (without your Mum Blogger E-Course I would never had made it this far)

and of course all of my lovely followers. 

Thank you x

Monday 21 May 2012

10 Things I Said I'd Never Do With My Kids

Quite a few of my friends are pregnant at the moment with their first children (spring is in the air) and I can't help but find the things they say amusing. 
They have it all worked out, they know how they are going to raise their children, how their child will behave and what they are definatley NOT going to do with them.
It makes me think back to when I was first pregnant and the things that I said I would NEVER do with my kids, so I've complied a list for you...

1) I will never let my children watch TV - My son now has his own armchair and his own tv, He's 3!

2) I will never let my children have sweets or chocolate - Sometimes bribery with sweet stuff is the only answer!

3) I will never let my children wear clothes with cartoon character logos on then - My son has two Fireman Sam tops and my daughter has a Peppa Pig one!

4) I will never let my children come into our bed in the morning - Every morning our bed is invaded by two little ones!

5) I will never let my children have a dummy - this one lasted all of 3 days!

6) I will never let my children have jarred food - we lived above a pub with no kitchen upstairs, chef's don't like mashing up two carrots!

7) I will never let my children have Mc Donalds - now at least once a month!

8) I will never bribe my children - see number 2!

9) I will never lose my temper - ha, how naive was I!

10)  I will never let my children have lots of plastic, noneducational toys - you try stopping doting Aunt's, Nannies, Grannies, Uncles and Grandads from buying them toys that you don't approve of.

So there you have it, my list of shame. Your turn now, what did you say that you'd never do that you have done?

Sunday 20 May 2012

Pinterest Party - Country Life

This weeks theme for Pinterest Party is ... Country Life.
When I typed Country Life into the search on Pinterset there were loads of great photots that I could have chosen (which you can find on my Pinterset Party Board if you are interested) but in the end I went for this one...

Image from  I am Worth It originally form Elle

 This to me sums up what growing up in the country is all about. I remember doing things like this all the time when I was young. You could always find me up a tree somwhere or making a den in the woods. 

I feel that nowadays with our modern world children don't do things like this anymore and it's such a shame. They'd rather spend the time on their Wii's, Playstations, Xboxes or whatever the latest gadget is. 
Whatever happened to making mud pies, playing pooh sticks over a bridge or wheelbarrow racing.

To check out other entries this week go over to Moors Mummy's blog, you could even join in x


Friday 18 May 2012

A Brothers Love

When Lj was born we were really worried about how H would react to her. You hear so many horror stories about some of the things older children do to younger ones to get back at them for disrupting their home. Like ripping up their favourite teddy, locking them in cupboards or pushing them over at every opportunity. 
We needn't have worried though, from the minute Lj was born he doted on her. If there was ever an oppurtunity to give her a cuddle he was there like a shot.

Lj is always looking uo to her big brother and she copies everything he does (which isn't always a good thing!)

The poor girl is never going to be allowed a boyfriend, not if H and the OH have anything to do with it.

They do everything together and H always makes sure she is safe.

They sit and watch their program together, snuggled up by the fire.

He shows her how to do things.

It's a bond that will never die and no one will ever come between.


Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Gallery - Morning

This weeks theme for the Gallery is 'Morning'. As soon as I read that I knew which picture I would use, (yes another picture of one of my children, sorry about that).

I am not a morning person by any stretch, infact as far as I'm concerned mornings are the work of the Devil. However with having kids I have, inevitably, had to get use to them. 
The best thing for me in the mornings now is hearing Lj's little voice calling "Mummy, Mummy" from the confines of her cot. I then go into her room to find her standing upright with a big beaming smile because she is so happy to see you. With all her hair stuck to her face with snot and dribble from the night before. Lovely! She then puts her arms up for a cuddle and tucks herself in under my chin and won't let go, just so she can catch up on any cuddles she's missed during the 12 or so hours that she's been asleep.

It's moments like that, that remind you what being a Mummy is all about.

To check out other people's entries this week go to Tara's blog at Sticky Fingers, you could even join in yourself. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Pinterest Party - Bubbles

This weeks theme for Moors Mummy's Pinterest Party is - Bubbles.
I have chosen the following picture because I think it's really unsual and would be fab to wear.

So now it's your turn to join in the party, check out Moors Mummy's blog for details. 

Monday 14 May 2012

I've found heaven!

Yesterday, as it was the first day in what seems like months that it wasn't raining and was infact hot & sunny, we decided to make the most of it. 
The beach had to be the only option.
We've pretty much exhausted all of the beaches that are close by to us so therefore we decided to go a little further afield, and this is what we found...

 Now I don't know what you think but to me this is heaven! 
As I sat there on the beach I was thinking about how we could have been anywhere in the world but this was right on our doorstep, without all of the hasssle of passports, bags or foreign money. 
We took the fishing rods and buckets for the kids to catch fish although they didn't really get a look in with the bigger kids (a.k.a the daddies) around.

Lj was a little unsure about the whole thing, I don't think she likes the feel of the sand moving under her feet. She spent most of the time just sitting in her little chair watching everyone else. 


  In all though we had a great day and the kiddies were exhausted by the time we got home (always a bonus). They even slept in this morning and have gone to bed early tonight. Result!