Monday 28 May 2012

Potty Training - Day Four

Well we are on day four of our potty training period and I don’t want to jinx it but it has gone brilliantly. H has really taken to it really well. We’ve only had two accident in the last 3 days and one of those was because he had a late night on Saturday and was really tired. Even his bedtime nappy has been dry in the mornings and he asks to go as soon as he wakes up.
All I seem to of been saying this week is  ‘Do you need a wee? Do you need a poo?’. Over and over again. I must have said it a thousand times over the last couple of days but if it gets the job done!

Toilet Instructions

A unexpected bonus to the potty training is that since we have been doing it with H, Lj has taken a real interest in it too. She keeps going up to the loo saying wee wee. I put her on but she doesn’t do anything yet but I suppose it’s a start. 
Maybe we’ll have them both done and dusted with nappies by next summer and then with the money we will save from not having to buy two lots of nappies we could probably afford an extra holiday yey, well at least a long weekend! X


Image by David Merrigan

You may laugh but I’ve actually worked it out…
We buy the huggies deal of two boxes for £16, each box has 76 nappies in. We generally go through those 2 boxes in 2 weeks (that’s if we are averaging 5 nappies a day per child roughly). So that’s £8 a week on nappies. If I then add that up for the amount of weeks until next summer…
52 weeks in a year takes us up to the beginning of next June, so that’s a grand total saving of £416! That’s a lot of money on nappies and could easily pay for a long weekend away, Venice here I come!

Yes I know, I know, I have way to much time on my hands today but I have an excuse… our electric is out, so that means no washing, no ironing, no hoovering, no cooking and no cash to go shopping, which has resulted in me being bored and only having a calculator to play with!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Serenity You: Photo Challenge

I'm joining in with 'Serenity You: Photo Challenge' today. 
This month theme is 'Wide Space', so naturally because we live by the coast I have chosen a sea shot. So here it is...

This photo was taken off of our boat on a trip from Torquay to Brixham. It was a gorgeous day and we stopped half way across for the kiddies to do their first bit of Mackerel fishing. They caught 3 fish so we took them home and they had them for their tea. Lovely x

Click on this link if you fancy joining in with the 'Serenity You: Photo Challenge ' or just to check out the other entries. Happy Snapping x

Thursday 24 May 2012

Potty Training - Day One

I have now decided that H is never going to be fully ready for potty training so instead I'm throwing him in at the deep end!
Today was day one and that meant no more nappies, (well except at bedtime).
To prepare for this I have stockpilled pants in anticipation of lots of accidents, brought stain removal spray for the carpets and mentally prepared myself for a couple of weeks of hell. 

boy pants

Image by Nom & Malc

 14 trips to the loo, 6 pairs of wet pants and one pair of pants beyond saving later and we had our first day of potty training!
I have to say though that today went a lot better than I expected, well except for the little accident in the supermarket, (if you are going to Asda watch out for the wet patch in the Gardening aisle, opps).

What he does is start to wee and then realises what he is doing and then tells me that he needs a wee, so if we can just get him to tell us before he lets anything go we might just get somwhere. There's hope yet and at least the suns out, the sun makes everything more bearable.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Gallery - Picture Perfect

This weeks theme for The Gallery is 'Picture Perfect', so here is my entry...

 Even though this picture was taken on a disposable camera, it is my all time favourite. 
I was working on a straw bale house in Italy at the time and I had a day off and decided I had to go to Venice. I went on my own and it was totally terrifying but the most amazing day ever.
I managed to navigate my way around the whole of Venice and spent the day in awe of all the amazing architecture. 
I just wish I had had a better camera at the time, oh well I'll just have to get the OH to take me back there one day *cough* subtle hint if you are reading this *cough*

To check out other people's entries for this week visit Tara's blog at Sticky Fingers.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

A Thank You Post

When I first started blogging I had absoultely no idea what I was doing and it's only now that I'm just starting to feel that I'm really getting the hang of it all.
My blog is starting to look how I want it to, I've got some lovely followers and people have started commenting on my blog. It all seems to be heading in the right direction.

I never knew what a great community Mummy blogging was. Everyone seems so nice and plenty of people have offered me help when I've been seconds away from throwing my computer out the window! (I'm not great with technology).

I wouldn't have got to this point without you, the lovely people that read this. I just wanted to take the time to thank a few people that have helped me along the way. You are truly lovely people.

Tara at Sticky Fingers

Erica at Little Mummy  (without your Mum Blogger E-Course I would never had made it this far)

and of course all of my lovely followers. 

Thank you x

Monday 21 May 2012

10 Things I Said I'd Never Do With My Kids

Quite a few of my friends are pregnant at the moment with their first children (spring is in the air) and I can't help but find the things they say amusing. 
They have it all worked out, they know how they are going to raise their children, how their child will behave and what they are definatley NOT going to do with them.
It makes me think back to when I was first pregnant and the things that I said I would NEVER do with my kids, so I've complied a list for you...

1) I will never let my children watch TV - My son now has his own armchair and his own tv, He's 3!

2) I will never let my children have sweets or chocolate - Sometimes bribery with sweet stuff is the only answer!

3) I will never let my children wear clothes with cartoon character logos on then - My son has two Fireman Sam tops and my daughter has a Peppa Pig one!

4) I will never let my children come into our bed in the morning - Every morning our bed is invaded by two little ones!

5) I will never let my children have a dummy - this one lasted all of 3 days!

6) I will never let my children have jarred food - we lived above a pub with no kitchen upstairs, chef's don't like mashing up two carrots!

7) I will never let my children have Mc Donalds - now at least once a month!

8) I will never bribe my children - see number 2!

9) I will never lose my temper - ha, how naive was I!

10)  I will never let my children have lots of plastic, noneducational toys - you try stopping doting Aunt's, Nannies, Grannies, Uncles and Grandads from buying them toys that you don't approve of.

So there you have it, my list of shame. Your turn now, what did you say that you'd never do that you have done?

Sunday 20 May 2012

Pinterest Party - Country Life

This weeks theme for Pinterest Party is ... Country Life.
When I typed Country Life into the search on Pinterset there were loads of great photots that I could have chosen (which you can find on my Pinterset Party Board if you are interested) but in the end I went for this one...

Image from  I am Worth It originally form Elle

 This to me sums up what growing up in the country is all about. I remember doing things like this all the time when I was young. You could always find me up a tree somwhere or making a den in the woods. 

I feel that nowadays with our modern world children don't do things like this anymore and it's such a shame. They'd rather spend the time on their Wii's, Playstations, Xboxes or whatever the latest gadget is. 
Whatever happened to making mud pies, playing pooh sticks over a bridge or wheelbarrow racing.

To check out other entries this week go over to Moors Mummy's blog, you could even join in x
